Dr. D.K. Adak

Dr. D.K. Adak
0 Questions 0 Answers 900 Reputation Points
1. Completed 22 years’ Service in Anthropological Survey of India 2. Nature of Present Employment: Research work in the field of Anthropology, which includes collection, compilation, tabulation and analysis of field data and writing of reports. 3. Assignment in last five years (i) DNA polymorphism of the Contemporary Indian Populations and Ancient Skeleton (ii) DNA polymorphism and Diseases (Epidemiological Studies: Cardiac Diseases) (iii) Bio-cultural Diversity, Environment and Sustainable Development 4. Visiting Scientist in Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. 5. Reviewer in Journals: (i) Malaysian Journal of Nutrition (ii) Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology (iii) Human Biology Review (iv) Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health (v) journal of Life Sciences 6. Co-Investigator in ICMR funded project: "Altitude and Human Biology of the Monpas” (IRIS ID: 2010-07150). 7. International Conference Attended: (i) Attended International Conference titled, “Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge in Development” in University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh during December 2-3, 2011. (ii) Attended 17th World Congress (Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds) of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) 2013, Manchester, UK, 5th-10th August, 2013. 8. Travel Grant received from ICMR to attend 17th World Congress of IUAES, 2013, Manchester, UK. 9. Publications: Published 106 papers so far in different national and international journals. 10. Book published: Published five books so far.


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